Cascading Bifurcations

Nick Crowe & Ian Rawlinson
Peter Jap Lim
Susanne Kohler
Adrian Lohmüller
Matthias Mayer
Hester Oerlemans
Adrian Schiesser

Beginnend mit dem 24.8. erhält jede/r Künstler/in ein Zeitfenster von 24 Stunden um auf die sich entwickelnde Situation im tête zu reagieren.
Starting with 24 August each artist is allocated a 24 hr time slot to respond to the situation developing at tête.

Eröffnung  1. Akt - Sonntag - 24.8.2014  19 - 23h
Opening 1st act - Sunday - 24 August 2014  7 - 11pm

Eröffnung Finale - Samstag - 30.8.2014  19 - 23h 
Opening Final - Saturday - 30 August 2014  7 - 11pm

tête - Schönhauser Allee 161A - 10435 Berlin - Germany

Ein akkumulativer Prozess initiiert von Adrian Schiesser
A accumulative process initiated by Adrian Schiesser


Decisions are the outcome of the interplay of fate and freedom; circumstances beyond one’s control bring one to a crossroads where a decision must be made. As the moment of decision draws near, certainty becomes a vague memory and equilibrium remains a distant dream.

Systems far-from-equilibrium approach the point of transition between two alternative patterns or orders, where change occurs when the organizational symmetry of structure dissolves.

While the uncertainty associated with the “choice” or “decision” occurring at the bifurcation point remains irreducible, the realization of one rather than another alternative reduces uncertainty and thereby increases information.

Once symmetry is shattered and equilibrium lost, bifurcations can cascade until they threaten to spin out of control. The more bifurcations proliferate, the more decisions become possible, and the more decisions are made the greater the changes in the system…Poised at the bifurcation point, it is impossible to predict the consequences of the choice of one rather than another alternative. Though we know decisions have consequences, we never know the consequences of a particular decision before the leap occurs.